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disability pension meaning in Hindi

disability pension sentence in Hindi

अपंगता पेंशन
निःशक्तता पेंशन
disability    अक्षमता अपात्रता
pension    पूर्वसेवार्थ
1.He lived on a disability pension for the rest of his life.

2.Each year, he returned his veteran's disability pension and national debt.

3.A new diagnosis was enough to get him discharged with a disability pension.

4.He retired from the post office and began to receive an disability pension.

5.-- Efforts to modernize Poland's social safety net, including retirement and disability pensions.

6.The Army awarded her a medical retirement and an 80 percent disability pension.

7.Murphy applied for an early disability pension, but was denied by the SJC.

8.Because of serious disease, he went into disability pension in 1976.

9.Old-age or disability pensions are not a matter of charity or state benevolence,

10.In addition to painting, Shuster received a disability pension and made money doing ironwork.

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How to say disability pension in Hindi and what is the meaning of disability pension in Hindi? disability pension Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.